Leave a Legacy
At Next Door, we believe every child deserves a strong start to life no matter what background they come from. The majority of children served at Next Door live in poverty and lack critical resources for success in school and in life. Your support today can help build bright futures for Next Door students and a stronger Milwaukee!
Remembering Next Door in your will is a simple way to give back and create a lasting legacy of caring. It’s one that will ensure future generations of Milwaukee children and families benefit from the positive, life-changing experiences at Next Door! Our early childhood education programs ensure Next Door students get the academic and social-emotional support they need to get ready for school. Next Door also provides valuable family advocacy services to guide our young families out of poverty and on a path to success!
Your gift of any size will make a difference. We gratefully accept planned gifts of all kinds, including:
- Bequest
- Charitable remainder trust
- Charitable lead trust
- Gift annuities
- Life insurance
- Real estate
For more information, contact Chad Piechocki at (414) 999-2531 or cpiechocki@nextdoormke.org