Parent Resources
IMPORTANT UPDATE: We have set up a series of resources to support Next Door families during the current school closure. Click HERE to check them out.
Meet the Team
Physical & Dental Forms
State Health Form
- Center-based and Home-based Programs Family Handbook 2019-2020 (English)
- Center-based and Home-based Programs Family Handbook 2019-2020 (Spanish) Programas Basados en el Centro y en el Hogar Manual Familiar 2019-2020 (Español)
- Center-based and Home-based Programs Family Handbook 2019-2020 (Hmong) Lub Txheej Txheem Hauv Chaw thiab Hauv Tsev Tsev Neeg Phau Ntawvqhia 2019-2020 (Hmoob)
- Center-based and Home-based Programs Family Handbook 2019-2020 (Burmese)
- Early Head Start and Head Start Partnership Family Handbook 2019-2020 (English)
- Early Head Start and Head Start Partnership Family Handbook 2019-2020 (Spanish)
Parent Engagement
- E-Book Bugs-by-Numbers
- Pre-Writing Complete-the-Flowers
- Pre-Writing writing fun2
- Pre-Writing Trace-to-Race
Connect to EBT child care payment program
- Under this program, the state will issue eligible parents or legal guardians a debit card to pay for and track expenses for your child care. The state will deposit your child care subsidy onto that card every month, and then parents can make payments directly to the child care provider. To learn more, click here for a program overview from the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families.
- You can click on the EBT link here to submit payments to Next Door.