Next Door’s 2021 Fall Newsletter
We’re checking in with a look at what’s happening at Next Door!
In our 2021 fall newsletter, we feature the start of the 2021-2022 year and how we’re supporting our students, families and staff in our return to 100% in-person learning across all of our early childhood education programs. We’ve created an Accelerating Equity Initiative, which maintains Next Door’s high quality early childhood education with a series of enhancements to support academic, physical and mental health needs.
The newsletter also includes coverage of major improvements to the indoor play spaces at our Capitol Drive campus. We now have beautiful new murals in these areas offering our students a chance to learn about different countries around the world and nature scenes, plus inspirational quotes.
In addition, we recap the results of Next Door’s Covid-19 Vaccine Outreach Team – an effort over the summer to educate Next Door families, staff and residents in our neighborhoods about the virus and the vaccination. The team also promoted vaccination clinics and offered transportation.
The return of our in-person Read with Me volunteer program is featured in the newsletter as well with details on how to get involved this fall.